PMVCAID after 2011

PMVCAID is available from 1992 to 2011. I saw in earlier posts that this variable is imputed by the Census Bureau.

I have two related questions:

  • Why it was discontinued in 2011?
  • Has it been replaced by a similar variable? In other words, is there any advice which variable can be used for years after 2011?

Thanks a lot for looking into this!

This Census Bureau documentation indicates the variable was discontinued due to security reasons in 2015. The variable was included in the 2012-2014 data initially published by the Bureau, but later pulled with a note about “erroneous tax estimates”. I am not aware of updated versions of these files; as a result IPUMS hasn’t harmonized this variable for the 2012-2014 samples.

Census does provide a short description of how this variable was calculated. If you are interested in calculating this yourself, you may be interested in data on Total Medicaid expenditures and the number of recipients by state; you can use HIMCAIDLY and MOCAID to assign values to individuals.

Hope that’s helpful!

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Many thanks @Ivan_Strahof for your comprehensive answer and the materials you referenced!