When does January 2023's survey data get added?

Would like to use 2023 sample data from the extract API.

The January 2023 BMS data should be available via IPUMS CPS soon (likely next week); the release was delayed slightly because of changes in the CPS implemented by the Census Bureau. The changes were initiated in this release, but will be phased in over the next 16 months (i.e., applied only to incoming panels (MISH = 1) through April 2024, at which point the changes will be in place for the full BMS sample in any given month). The changes include an update to the household identification numbers and geographic synthesis for areas with population between 100,000 and 249,999 (this will affect the IPUMS CPS variables METFIPS, COUNTY, METRO, INDIVIDCC, CBSASZ).

Thank you!