I was wondering how can I share a data extract with a colleague so he can access (via the IPUMS USA website) the data extract, make changes and download the data.
Thank you very much!
I was wondering how can I share a data extract with a colleague so he can access (via the IPUMS USA website) the data extract, make changes and download the data.
Thank you very much!
We do not currently offer extract sharing as a feature, though it is on our radar as a feature that researchers would find useful. The best alternative I can suggest is sharing your extract definition (list of samples and variables and any other criteria like case selection) with your colleague so they can replicate and modify the extract in their own account.
Great, thank you very much!
Hi this would be a very helpful feature for replication packages
Thank you, I will pass along your sentiments to the IPUMS USA team. Feedback from IPUMS users helps them prioritize which data and features to update.
Have there been any updates? I would like to be able to share the details of my extract so that my coauthors can download through IPUMS the exact same thing I downloaded. Specifically, I am using the full count censuses via IPUMS USA.
Note that I also saw this (Copying extract specifications/metadata), but it appears on (https://developer.ipums.org/) to not be available for IPUMS USA.
This capability is still not available for the standard web interface. However, the IPUMS USA API just entered public beta, and full count data is available through the API, which means the code for defining the extract can be shared with collaborators who are also beta testers. Please email ipums+api@umn.edu if you are interested in becoming an API beta tester.