Percentages and prevalences at geolevel 2


My name is Victor and I am new to the forum. I am interested in how to calculate percentages of men and women by geo level 2 (using the weights for individuals or

the weight for “households”). I also want to calculate the average income at the geo-level 2. What program should I calculate and how?

The general question is how to calculate prevalences or percentages, (or means in case of continuos variavles such “income”) at the level of geo-level 2 (activating the proper weight) Just basic statistics.

By the way, do you speak Spanish?

Thanks in advance!


I would start with the IPUMS Data Training Exercises. Not only will these exercises give you a good introduction to the IPUMS data, but they also walk through some of the basic statistical concepts that you are asking about. Unfortunately, these resources are not currently available in Spanish.

I hope this helps!