One of the researches awarded by IPUMS: “Global Trends and Marital Instability from the 1970s to the present”, uses regional variables in the research. How do I get those variables? The author uses: percent of married women working, percent of married men working, percent of low female economic opportunity, percent of low male economic opportunity, percent of non-farm labor, ratio of manufacturing to services, ratio of females to males, and the percent of the population living in an urban area.
I am trying to get this information from the Brazilian Census. I am interested in getting these variables at the municipality level.
The research you are referencing was a part of the author’s dissertation (the PDF is available from the University of Minnesota under the title Essays on Marital Instability, Household Behavior, and Social Policy in Developing Countries). In the Data and Methodology section for the chapter the author states, “These local-regional variables are constructed by aggregating at the lowest level of geography available in the public use samples. Brazil, Mexico, Spain, and Venezuela are aggregated at the municipality-level…” So, while these variables are not available for download from IPUMS-International, they can be created from the variables that are available. The chapter describes how the variables were constructed. If something in the chapter is unclear, I would recommend contacting the author directly.