Is the June 2015 Unbanked sample available or do you know when it will be made available?

I see that I can download the supplemented unbanked/underbanked survey, along with the corresponding month of CPS data for January 2009, June 2011, and June 2013, but it is not available for June 2015 or June 2017, despite the CPS data being available. Will the unbanked sample be made available at some point? If so, when? Alternatively, is there another way to match the unbanked sample from with the corresponding CPS data? Thanks!

Yes, the 2015 (and 2017) un(der)banked supplements will be available via IPUMS CPS at some point. We are still in the process of harmonizing the 2015 file. Unfortunately, I am unable to forecast with certainty when this supplement file will be available – hopefully by the end of the year. The 2017 microdata file has not yet been released by the Census Bureau. In the meantime, you can always download the raw data from the Census Bureau’s FTP site.

I am not entirely sure what you mean by matching the unbanked sample (I’m actually not able to find this exact website). It seems that you might be referring to, which is the FDIC website dedicated to the un(der)banked CPS supplement. The data available here are also the data available on the Census Bureau’s FTP site (linked above). You can always merge in these data with IPUMS data using the details described on this recent blog post.