Hello. I am working with the IPUMS ACS 2011 dataset and I am trying to understand the health insurance coverage edits. I have three questions:
Are the edits mentioned here https://usa.ipums.org/usa/acs_healthins.shtml under “Details of the Edits in IPUMS-USA” already incorporated into the IPUMS ACS 2011 dataset?
I checked the coverage numbers against the raw ACS 2011 dataset and they are identical. Would this mean that the edits were done by the Census already?
I noticed that for the IPUMS ACS 2011 the variables with a suffix of “2” (e.g., HCOVANY2, HINSCAID2, etc.) are not available. They are only available for the 3-yr ACS (2009-2011). Does this mean that the 3-yr IPUMS ACS includes the edits but the 1-yr dataset does not?
Thank you!