Follow-up on health insurance coverage edits question

Hi Brandon, thanks for answering my previous question about the health insurance coverage edits in the IPUMS-USA 2011 dataset. My understanding from your answer was that this dataset already incorporates the edits included here:, and that they were carried out by the Census Bureau. I tried checking for the edits listed there regarding VA and Indian Health Services, and I don’t see the edits taking place. Here’s what I did (in Stata):

Hopefully you can see the tables. It appears to be that some people who aren’t veterans and have some additional coverage type are still appearing as having VA, and some people who aren’t American Indian or Alaska Native and have some additional coverage type are still appearing as having IHS. I checked for these edits because they were the easiest to look at, but could you let me know exactly which edits from the list in the link above are actually included by the Census Bureau in this dataset?

Thank you so much!


It appears as though our understanding of some of the edits we thought were being carried out by the Census Bureau was incorrect. Our documentation will need to be changed to reflect this. Until then, you can find a more accurate description of the edits carried out by the Census Bureau in the ACS here. I apologize for any inconvenience that our documentation has caused.