Trying to understand why I am not replicating some results in Table HI05, found here:
I downloaded 2013 IPUMS ACS data, and am using Stata.
For example, I typed this command and got these results:
. tab hcovpriv if age < 65 & year ==2013 [w=perwt]
(frequency weights assumed)
Private health insurance coverage | Freq. Percent Cum.
Without private health insurance covera | 94,770,598 34.91 34.91
With private health insurance coverage |176,694,873 65.09 100.00
Total |271,465,471 100.00
Table HI05 gives the population number for this group as 267,804,470 (i.e., somewhat lower), and the number with private insurance as 175,253,980 (also lower, but giving a somewhat higher percentage of 65.44). Do I have the wrong sample, or am I using the wrong weights, or is it something else? Thanks.