I would like to know if it is available the ASCII file for 1990 and 1980. I am interesting on the population of each area.
Thank you
I would like to know if it is available the ASCII file for 1990 and 1980. I am interesting on the population of each area.
Thank you
If you are referring to the original PUMS files provided by the Census Bureau, the 2000, 1990 and 1980 PUMS are available as ASCII files from the Census Bureau. If you are interested in downloading IPUMS-USA extracts in ASCII format, the default data extract format is a fixed-width plain text ASCII file. If I am not understanding your question, I apologize. Please feel free to elaborate and I will help to the best of my abilities.
I hope this helps.
Thank you for your answer.
Please excuse if I was not clear. I am looking for simillar files for the years 1980 and 1990 as this one for 2000 (see the following link https://usa.ipums.org/usa/volii/2000P…). In particular, I need the population by area name as it is defined in the previous link.
Thank you,
In 1980 the smallest identifiable geographic unit was the County Group. Depending on which 1980 Sample you are using (Metro, State, Labor Market Area…) IPUMS does offer ASCII files describing the compositions of county groups, though these files are not formatted the same way the PUMA composition files were formatted for 2000. For the Metro and State files the ASCII files can be found in the descriptive text here. For the Labor Market Area (LMA) sample, IPUMS-USA has a 1980 LMA + Commuting Zone page that describes the composition of the LMAs (there is also an ASCII file of the same information available for download on that page). LMAs were also used in 1990. IPUMS-USA does not have an ASCII file of 1990 PUMA definitions, they do make Excel Spreadsheets available here describing the 1990 PUMAs for both the 1% and 5% samples.
I hope this helps.