1990 or 2000 PUMA Equivalency Files

Is there any websites that provide the 1990 or 2000 PUMA Equivalency Files? I can only find the 2010 version on Census Bureau website. UM’s website does provide the data I need but the access to the data is restricted. Thanks in advance.

It sounds like the information on this forum question might be helpful to you. In short, The CONSPUMA variable bridges 1980, 1990, and 2000 PUMA definitions and might be helpful for your needs.

I just want to be sure that I understand this.

I’m running an analysis where I compare IPUMS data from 2000 with the 5-Year ACS estimates from 2013-2017. I need to sue the cpuma0010 variable to have consistent pumas across years and I need the cpuma0010 shape file for mapping, which can be found here.

Also, just to confirm my understanding, the puma variable does not allow for comparisons between 2000 and my 2017 data because the boundaries changed in 2010 and I need to use the cpuma0010 variable.

Thanks for the help on this.

Yes, Kasey. Your understanding is correct about all of that.