For my ACS extract, I selected variables “EDUC” and “RELATE”. When I got the extract, both of those variables were included, but I also got “EDUCD” and “RELATED”. They look similar, but what is the difference?
For my ACS extract, I selected variables “EDUC” and “RELATE”. When I got the extract, both of those variables were included, but I also got “EDUCD” and “RELATED”. They look similar, but what is the difference?
The “d” added to the end of the variable name indicates it is a detailed version of the variable, compared to a general version. In the context of the EDUC variable, the detailed version of the variable will provide more specific information about level of education attained. A breakdown of these codes can be seen on the codes tab by selecting either the general or detailed codes. In the context of the RELATE variable, the detailed version of the variables more specific information about the relationship to the household head. Again, a breakdown of these codes can be seen on the codes tab by selecting either the general or detailed codes.