Using 1850 US census for migration specifics

I am trying to trace a family with an 8-year-old girl named Lucinda, born in Alabama, to Texas where she was living before the 1860 census. How would I extract data for families in Alabama and Texas that have such a child in their household in 1850? If this is possible, can I extract variants (such as Lucy) by using a wildcard? Thank you for any advice.

Please note that IPUMS strictly prohibits using the data for genealogical purposes. For genealogical research, you will need to request data through an organization such as Ancestry.

Accessing the names of persons in the full count decennial census microdata on IPUMS USA requires applying for a restricted use data license through an educational or research institution such as a university (the variables NAMEFRST and NAMELAST are only provided in the historical representative samples (containing between 1%-10% of all records) for public use. IPUMS International provides person-level microdata that includes the first and last names (NAMEFRST and NAMELAST) of all persons in the 1850 and 1880 US decennial censuses. To access this data, you will need to apply with a proposed research project description as well as provide identification so that we can verify your affiliation with an educational or research institution.