Time Use Variables Excel Extract

I am attempting to get a time use extract for travel time, and I have the total time of travel per day in my csv file, however, the extract is not giving me the various categories that are available. The description says there is a breakdown of how people travel each day whether it be to work, school, etc, however, I am not entirely sure how to get that breakdown into my csv file.
If you could tell me how to get the breakdown for Travel that would be great,

It appears from your recent extract that you are using the time use variable ACT_TRAVEL. Time use variables return the number of minutes respondents spend during the 24-hour reference period in activities matching the specified criteria. In this case, ACT_TRAVEL aggregates time spent in activities that have codes that begin with 18*, which includes the broadest range of travel-related activities. These codes are derived from the ACTIVITY variable (which you could use to generate your own time use estimates). If you would like more control over what exact ACTIVITY codes are included in your time use variable, we offer the option to create your own custom time use variable (TUV). Using the TUV creator, you are able to select only your activities of interest and restrict them to certain locations, times of day, secondary activities, and the presence of others. Additionally, you are able to “load” the existing TUVs (e.g. ACT_TRAVEL) into the creator and customize from there, such as adding or restricting the activity codes included.