I was facing a question regarding what can lead to huge data discrepancy when you resubmit a previous extract. I extracted data number 24 on October 1, 2021. I needed the data again so I recently resubmitted it again . However, the statistics that I get from the data are different from what I obtained when I initially extracted the data 24. So I went ahead and extracted 24 again without the resubmit option, but the revision option (but not actually revising anything). The data extract number I get is extract 30 in my account. This time around my estimates were exactly same as what I got before. In sum , the statistics that I obtain from extract 24 is different from what I obtain from extract 30 (which is just a revision of 24, without actually revising anything) . For instance, if I do the summary of the variable inctot, the lower bound for extract 24 is 0 while for extract 30, it goes in the negative. I wanted to ask what can lead to this discrepancy, or is there something specific to my ipums account. Thank you.