Is the coding for industry, using variable IND based on the NAICS classification structure of 2012? I see the code for IND 2014+ listed here IPUMS CPS. Is this comparable to the 2012 NAICS code?
Thank you!
Is the coding for industry, using variable IND based on the NAICS classification structure of 2012? I see the code for IND 2014+ listed here IPUMS CPS. Is this comparable to the 2012 NAICS code?
Thank you!
The IND codes are created by the Census Bureau own classification scheme. You can translate these codes into NAICS codes in two steps. First, a cross-walk between the 2012 Census codes (used by IND) and the 2012 NAICS codes is available on this Census Bureau page. Second, a cross-walk between the 2012 NAICS codes and the 2017 NAICS codes are available on this NAICS page. This will allow you to translate the IND codes to the most recent NAICS industry codes.