Missing Variable VACDPT1, VACDPT2,VACDPT3 IN DHS 2018(Nigeria)

Hello, I am working on vaccination coverage from 2008 to 2018. I am uisng the basixc vaccination variables which include Polio, BCG, DPT and Measles. However, these variables are available but “VACDPT1, VACDPT2,VACDPT3” which correspond to Dpt vaccination seem to be missing for the year 2018, but are available on the dhs dataset itself. Kindly provide guidance on how i can proceed. Thank you

The 2018 Nigeria DHS substituted the DPT vaccination question with the Pentavalent vaccination, which includes a vaccination against diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus, as well as hepatitis B, and Haemophilus influenzae type b. Below is a comparison of the 2013 and the 2018 child immunization questions. You can find the data for these questions in the variables VACPENTA1, VACPENTA2, and VACPENTA3. The day, month, and year that the vaccination was administered is also recorded in additional variables available in the DPT-HB-Hib vaccinations variables list.

Link to 2013 Questionnaire
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Link to 2018 Questionnaire