Good morning,
I am trying to replicate a paper by Collins and Zimran (2018) which uses IPUMS NAPP data, from the 1850 and 1880 US census. They provide a replication package including the notebook for the each census. When I look at the 1850 NAPP (or rather IPSUM International) US 100% sample, there are many variables they include that I cannot find. The complete list of the variables that they use are:
Variable Columns Len US50
SAMPLE H 1-4 4 X
SERIAL H 5-14 10 X
CNTRY H 15-17 3 X
YEAR H 18-21 4 X
PERNUM P 22-25 4 X
PERWT P 26-29 4 X
AGE P 30-32 3 X
SEX P 33 1 X
BIRTHYR P 34-37 4 X
AGEMONTH P 38-39 2 X
NATIVITY P 40-41 2 X
BPLCNTRY P 42-46 5 X
BPLUS P 47-48 2 X
RACE P 49-50 2 X
NAMELAST P 51-82 32 X
NAMEFRST P 83-114 32 X
PERNUM_HEAD P 115-118 4 X
PERNUM_MOM P 119-122 4 X
PERNUM_POP P 123-126 4 X
NATIVITY_MOM P 129-130 2 X
NATIVITY_POP P 131-132 2 X
BPLCNTRY_MOM P 138-142 5 X
BPLCNTRY_POP P 143-147 5 X
BPLUS_HEAD P 148-149 2 X
BPLUS_MOM P 150-151 2 X
BPLUS_POP P 152-153 2 X
But I cannot find any of the ones after NAMEFRST (so all the personal information on the personal numbers, nativity, country of birth, etc… for the individual fathers, mothers, etc…). I have checked with the US 1% sample, even the IPUMS USA dataset. No luck.
I have also checked the list of all variables for each census (harmonized and source) and still I cannot find these missing variables. Is there something I am doing wrong?
Thank you very much for your time,