Median Family Income by PUMA

Hi, do you publish a list of median family income by PUMA? Or do would I have to do this myself by taking the median FTOTINC per PUMA?

Hey Greg!

I believe IPUMS only contains the microdata. Calculating median family income by PUMA can be done by finding the weighted median of households within PUMAs.

If you are an R user, there is an easy way to acquire this data using Kyle Walker’s tidycensus package. Here is the code to get it from the Census API:

And here is what the resulting dataframe looks like:


The author also has an online textbook (free!) that teaches you how to use it:

IPUMS NHGIS provides summary data from the U.S. decennial census, American Community Survey (ACS), and other sources, aggregated at a variety of geographic levels, including PUMA. You can search for tables on family income by PUMA using the NHGIS data finder. For example, by searching for tables on family and household income at the PUMA level for 2022, I was able to find Table B19113 Median Family Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2022 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars).

See this brief video tutorial for helpful instructions for using the data finder.

IPUMS USA offers microdata from the U.S. decennial census and ACS. These are person-level data, and do not come pre-aggregated at geographic levels. However, PUMA is an available variable in many IPUMS USA samples. If you prefer to work with microdata, you can calculate median family income at the PUMA level yourself. This video tutorial provides an introduction to using IPUMS USA’s data extract system to create a custom data extract that can be opened and analyzed in a statistical software package such as R, Stata, SAS, or SPSS. We also have an online data analysis tool that is useful for simple tabulations like these. Keep in mind that PUMA codes are state-dependent, so you must combine PUMA with a STATEFIP or STATEICP value, or view PUMAs by state, when working with microdata.