In 2014 it was not possible to link IPUMS-CPS across samples (How do you link/join a tobacco supplement from Jan to a march sample with income data?). My question is whether this is possible today.
I know it is possible to identify individuals using HRHHID and HHRID2, linea, age, sex and race. At the moment I am facing a discontinuity in 2004 (from April to May) using these variables. This might due to the variables HRHHID and HRHHID2 but I do not know why.
Evaluating the descriptions of HRHHID and HHRID2, I firstly thought it might be possible to only use HRHHID2 since it was additionally backwards created from 1994-May 2004, but then the description of HRHHID says that one need both, HRHHID and HRHHID2.
So the question is how is it possible to link individuals between 1999-2013 and which variables do I have to use to uniquely identify the individuals? The goal is to match these individuals later on a yearly based month-to-month match, meaning from Jan 1999 to Jan 2000, Jan 2000 to Jan 2001…, Feb 1999 to Feb 2000 and so on.