Hi. I have the CPS November Supplement for 2016 and I know that the 2016 December Supplement will be available in September. Assuming that working these into the CPS IPUMS system will take some time (any scheduled dates?), how can I create my own CPSID to match two contiguous months for Nov to Dec for 2016? I’d like to do it in the same or similar manner as done with other Novs and Decs. If that is not possible, is there an advisable way?
Doug Hess
You are correct that it typically takes some time for new supplement samples to be released on IPUMS CPS after they are released by the Census Bureau. Unfortunately, I’m not able to provide any specific expected release dates yet. Actually, even though the December 2016 supplement is not currently available, the basic monthly sample is available for December 2016. Note that the individuals included in the December 2016 basic monthly file are the same individuals who are in the 2016 December Supplement file. Therefore, the variable CPSID is also currently available through December 2016.
Thank you.
So, if I have the the CPSID for Nov and Dec 2016 from the basic monthly and then I get the supplements before you have time to process them and assign CPSID to the supplements, what is the best way for me to match a person in the supplement with your CPSID in a basic monthly? Is using hrhhid and hrhhid2 enough? I hope this makes sense.
Yes, this makes sense. It is possible to merge NBER or Census FTP versions of the CPS samples onto the IPUMS CPS samples using only the HRHHID and HRHHID2 variables as linking keys.