Matching Counties name to PUMA

Hi there,

I am using ACS 5-year 2011-2015 microdata. Instead of using PUMA code, I would like to know the county names that each respondent live in. It sounds to me that I need to gain access to restricted data.

My question is how can I gain access for restricted ACS data?

My second question is about PUMA codes. I wonder to know if PUMA codes in the 2006-2010 ACS microdata are different than 2011-2015 ACS data?



I’ll address each question one at a time. To gain access to restricted data, you’ll need to apply through one of the Federal Research Data Centers. Note that this application process can sometimes take quite a bit of time. Regarding the comparability of PUMA codes: the boundaries and PUMA codes are the same for the 2005-2011 ACS samples. The codes change starting in 2012, based on the 2010 decennial census. More detail can be found on the PUMA variable comparability tab.