I am doing some labor market work and have run into a snag. I have been trying to merge a data set that contains the % employed in each industrial category for each county in the U.S.A [taken from 2011 ACS 5 Year Estimates Tables on American Factfinder] with the individual level 2011 ACS 5-year PUMS file downloaded from this site. Specifically, I am trying to have each respondent in the 2011 ACS 5-year PUMS file linked up with the industrial composition of their county of residence. I am aware that the PUMA is the lowest level geographical information available in the PUMS files. However, I wondered if there was some way to make use of the PUMA codes to link each individual to their county of residence? Will I have to gain access to restricted data to accomplish this? Any help is greatly appreciated, as I have been trying to figure this out for a few weeks now.
Look forward to your response