Release dates only go to 2014…
Funding on FAQ only mentions up to 2012 when the grant was renewed for 2019 for IPUMS USA
IPUMS-USA is funded through 2012 by several grants from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. In addition to working on new features for the website and data extraction system, we are currently making new high-density samples for 1900, 1930, and 1960. Over the next four years we plan semi-annual data releases every March and October. The precise sample composition of each data release is hard to predict very far ahead of time, but our latest plans can be found on our data release schedule page.
We have every expectation of continuing the project beyond 2012, but will have to secure further funding as our current grants expire. To be successful, we need to have a large body of users and published works we can point to. Please inform us if you have any presentations or publications using IPUMS data.