I’m trying to look at a number of trends from 2005-2023 including household income in various PUMAs within Manhattan. I find that when I filter to the PUMA level though, I’m not seeing data for the years after 2021. Does anyone know why that is?


The Census Bureau revises PUMA boundaries and codes every decade to align with new population data obtained from the decennial census. While some PUMA boundaries remain the same (potentially only changing their code), others can be shifted, aggregated, or broken up into multiple PUMAs. This type of revision occurred in 2022 such that ACS samples from 2012-2021 use one set of PUMAs and samples from 2022-2031 use a different set. As a result, consistent comparisons of PUMAs across these vintages is only possible in cases where boundaries did not change. You can use the map and crosswalks on this user guide page to investigate changes in PUMA boundaries and their codes.