I am aware that there is a variable for primary childcare and secondary childcare in ATUS. I was quite happy to see secondary eldercare here but how it is being measure is not quite clear and the variable description is not helping much. Could you please assist? Thanks.
Activities relating to unpaid eldercare are recorded as secondary activities in the ATUS data. That is, they are activities that are undertaken simultaneously with another primary activity. Specifically, in ATUS data an eldercare provider is someone who has provided unpaid care or assistance more than one time in the 3-4 months prior to the interview day. More information about ATUS eldercare data can be found in the ATUS User’s Guide or in the ATUS questionnaire.
Thanks much for this response. I am aware of what is regarded as secondary care in ATUS but when I looked at the variable description for secondary elderly care in IPUMS it wasn’t clear to me how secondary elderly care was measured. Thanks again.