How to download total population for places in the US back to 1900? I have filtered, but don’t see the tables?
Although NHGIS now provides GIS points for places back to 1900, it has place-level data tables going back only to 1970. We plan to add some place population counts for years prior to 1970 in the future, but we aren’t able to say yet when those will be available. In the meantime, there are two options for obtaining place-level data:
Reading the counts from census print publications, many of which are available as PDF documents on the Census website.
Creating counts for places from census microdata available through IPUMS USA. Places are identified in IPUMS USA microdata by the CITY variable. The coding scheme for CITY differs from the codes provided in NHGIS point files. We plan to provide consistent codes at some point in the future, but at this time, you would need to match by city name. If you’re unfamiliar with census microdata or IPUMS USA, there are several tutorials and guides to get you started in the IPUMS USA User’s Guide.