I want to crosstab age of children classified by single years from age 0 to 14, and age of mothers classified by single years also, using the South African 2007 and 2001 samples.
The question to the above would for example be; “How many 5 year olds today whose mothers are aged 30?” The mother does not necessarily have to be part of the household because i want to use the information to estimate fertility by reverse method (own child method)
To do this, it appears I need a variable in children’s records which links the child to age of the mother. In the samples’ variables, can I use momloc? And how should the STATA command be like exactly? I have tried the one below but the outcome doesn’t seem right because when I tab it ‘mage’ starts at 0 (zero).
bysort UqNr Q420per: gen mage =age[Q14cmpsn]