How can I calculate median household income on the SDA online data analysis tool? I receive an error saying there are too many observations

Hi All,

I tried running a calculation for the median household income in the online

  • An exact percentile/median cannot be calculated due to the large number of cases/categories in this cell

The online Survey Documentation and Analysis (SDA) tool does not have the computing capacity to calculate a median beyond a certain number of observations. In this case, the tool offers users the option to calculate the median using a remedian technique that mimics an ordinary sample median while using less storage (see the SDA documentation). To request the SDA tool to calculate a remedian, check the box next to Estimate the values of medians or percentiles under the Median/Percentile Options (see screenshot below).

You will additionally need to filter out the NIU code for HHINCOME (see the Codes tab). Since the samples in the SDA tool are all person-level microdata, you will also need to include the filter PERNUM(1) so that each household is only counted once and change the weight to the household weight.

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