Below are the codes for the Body Mass Index (BMI) variable (not the bmicalc) on IPUMS .
0000: NIU
9980: 99.8+
9999: Unknown
I thought that those with the BMI of 99.8 and over were coded as 9980.
However, when I tabulate the BMI variable (across several years before and 10 years after 1997), I found that 83 people for 99.90 and 2,586 people for 99.99 and there were no observations for 9980 and 9999. Are there different codes for the variable?
Please see the tabulated results below.
Thanks for your answer in advance!
Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
bmi | 156,878 13.61521 17.91787 0 99.99
. tab bmi if bmi ==99.99
no observations
. tab bmi if bmi ==99.90
no observations
. tab bmi if bmi >99.8
Body mass |
index | Freq. Percent Cum.
99.90 | 83 3.11 3.11
99.99 | 2,586 96.89 100.00
Total | 2,669 100.00