Case_selections for AGE variable

I am trying to select only data for a certain age group (women from 20 to 40 years old) but when I select this range for AGE I get an error

Invalid general case selection of 20 for variable AGE
Invalid general case selection of 21 for variable AGE

And so on, does anyone know if it is possible to select cases by age?

Could you clarify if the issue is occurring when using the Select Cases option from the extract request page? It is definitely possible to select cases by age using the option, so I’m not exactly sure what is causing this error. Could you share which specific sample (country and year) you are trying to analyze that is giving you this error? Even better would be if you could upload a screenshot of the page with the error message. This will help me troubleshoot what the issue may be.

this is my code:
argentina_mothers ← define_extract_ipumsi(
description = “Argentina data for mothers”,
samples = argentina$name,
variables = list(“COUNTRY”, “YEAR”, “PERWT”,“MOMLOC”,“BPLAR”,
var_spec(“SEX”, case_selections = “2”, attached_characteristics = “spouse”),
var_spec(“AGE2”, case_selections = c(“16”,“17”,“18”,“19”,“20”,“21”)),
var_spec(“AGE”, attached_characteristics = “spouse”),
var_spec(“LIT”, attached_characteristics = “spouse”),
var_spec(“EDATTAIN”, attached_characteristics = “spouse”),
var_spec(“YRSCHOOL”, attached_characteristics = “spouse”),
var_spec(“EMPSTAT”, attached_characteristics = “spouse”),
var_spec(“OCCISCO”, attached_characteristics = “spouse”),
var_spec(“INDGEN”, attached_characteristics = “spouse”),

and it returns the following error:
:heavy_multiplication_x: Invalid general case selection of 16 for variable AGE2
:heavy_multiplication_x: Invalid general case selection of 17 for variable AGE2
:heavy_multiplication_x: Invalid general case selection of 18 for variable AGE2
:heavy_multiplication_x: Invalid general case selection of 19 for variable AGE2
:heavy_multiplication_x: Invalid general case selection of 20 for variable AGE2
:heavy_multiplication_x: Invalid general case selection of 21 for variable AGE2
:heavy_multiplication_x: Invalid general case selection of 2 for variable SEX

Thank you for sharing your code last week. The IPUMS IT team was able to troubleshoot the issue that you were encountering with the case selection tool. You should now be able to run your API request. Please follow up if you still encounter these errors again. We really appreciate you bringing this issue to our attention!