Broken SDA for median VALUEH?

I’m trying to get median national VALUEH over time from the SDA. Yesterday I was able to do it for specific years/samples. I was able to do it today for INCTOT. But today, the SDA craps out whenever I do it for VALUEH. Here’s my SDA input:

ANd the resulting out put page:

I’ve tried reloading the page, closing tab and opening new tab, closing browser and reopening.

ANy idea what’s wrong?

I was able to replicate this failure and I understand the frustration that there is no error message. As of now, our assessment is that this is just simply too much data for SDA to process. I had similar issues recreating your analysis with INCTOT across 1960-2023. I have made a note to investigate the maximum processing capabilities of SDA so that we can improve user documentation and error messaging. In the meantime, I was able to run these means and medians tables for your parameters in groups of years less than 10. For example, I successfully processed tables in SDA for VALUEH across YEAR for 2000-2009, 2010-2019, 2020-2023. You may consider using the CSV export feature to make it easier to combine your analysis. The CSV export feature has similar data processing limitations and will likely only be able to output limited range of analysis each export.