Bins for incwage in the 1950 sample. How was the binning implemented? Rounded to the nearest bin value?

Bins for incwage in the 1950 sample. How was the binning implemented? Rounded to the nearest bin value? Or is the incwage integrated variable the midpoint of the bin and any value of the source variable that falls in the bin is given the midpoint of the bin?

Also, the source variable US1950A_EARN has value increments of $100 and starts with 0, then 100, 200, 300, etc.

The integrated variable incwage has value increments of $100 and starts with $50, then 150, 250, 350, etc.

How exactly was the source variable converted to the integrated variable?

This is a bit confusing. The Comparability Tab may help clear some of this up. In the 1950 sample, INCWAGE values represent the midpoints of hundred dollar intervals. Therefore, for example, for the interval of 0-100 (coded as 100 in the source variable) the code is ==50 in the integrated variable.

I hope this helps.