2015 Mexican Census Income Unknown

I notice that for some municipalities in the 2015 Mexican Census every person has the value ‘999999’ for income (column ‘MX2015A_INCOME’) and the value ‘9’ for remittances (column ‘MX2015A_INCREMIT1’). A couple examples of this is for the municipalities ‘Urique,’ ‘Buenaventura,’ and ‘Morelos.’ If you could let me know why that would be wonderful!

Thanks so much.

Thank you for bringing this potential issue to our attention. The IPUMS International team is looking into it; we will report back with more information when we hear back from them.

The International team has verified that this pattern (some municipalities contain all non-response for some variables) exists in the original public use files we obtained from the Mexico National Statistical Office, Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Geografia (INEGI). More information pertaining to the cause for this may be available in the INEGI Mexico 2015 Intercensal Survey Documentation.