I would like to know why/how unemployed individuals get an occupation/industry label, per the questionaire texts? It makes sense that some unemployed individuals are still in the labor force, and thus are able to answer questions about their occupation, but what about unemployed individuals not in the labor force?
How does the questionaire work for the occupation and industry questions? Do all individuals claim an occupation regardless of employment status?
The short answer is that people who aren’t working are asked about their last job.
The longer answer is that who exactly is asked changes slightly over time. This is discussed a bit in the “Description” tab of the “occ” variable in the IPUMS CPS. But more useful, the “Universe” tab (https://cps.ipums.org/cps-action/vari…) says:
- 1962-1967: Civilians age 14+ (pre-1968 samples do not include persons under age 14).
- 1968-1979: Civilians age 14+ who: were currently employed; or had previously worked and were looking for work; or were not currently in the labor force but had worked in the preceding 5 years.
- 1980-2015: Civilians age 15+ who: were currently employed; or had worked previously worked and were looking for work; or were not currently in the labor force but had worked in the preceding 5 years.
- 1989-1993 (non-ASEC): Civilians age 15+ who: were currently employed; or had worked previously worked and were looking for work; or were not currently in the labor force but had worked in the preceding 5 years.
- 1994-2008 (non-ASEC): Civilians age 15+ who: were currently employed; or had worked previously worked and were looking for work; or were not currently in the labor force but had worked in the preceding 5 years.
- November 2008-December 2014: Civilians age 15+ who: were currently employed; or had worked previously worked and were looking for work; or were not currently in the labor force but had worked in the preceding 5 years.