I’m looking for the unemployment rate and median individual/household income by county in Michigan for years 2005-2014. I haven’t found what I’m looking for yet. Any ideas? Thanks!
Also- where should I look to find the amount of federal/state funding or payroll allocated to mental health facilities (or health facilities generally) by Michigan county for these years?
You can get county-level unemployment and median household income for all counties in Michigan from our IPUMS NHGIS product. IPUMS NHGIS provides access to the 5-year American Community Survey data. The 5-year ACS product is the only one we have that has data for all counties in the US. The Census Bureau pools responses from 5 years of ACS surveys in order to generate county-level summary statistics.
NHGIS contains all 5-year ACS datasets (2005-09 up through 2013-2017). For each 5-year ACS, you will find employment status (you can use this to compute the unemployment rate) and median household income in the YYYY_ZZZZ_ACS5a dataset, where YYYY is the first year and ZZZZ is the last year for the survey.
You will be looking for the following tables:
- B23025. Employment Status for the Population 16 years and Over
- B19013. Median Household Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2017 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars)
You can use the DATASETS filter and the TOPICS filters to help find these tables. I recommend adjusting all the income values to a single year using the inflation adjustment values available here. That way you’re comparing income values correctly.
Unfortunately, I do not know of a data source for federal/state funding allocated to mental health facilities for those years. You could consider looking at the County Business Patterns data available from the Census Bureau’s American Fact Finder. They provide payroll data, but I’m not sure they have data for public entities such as public hospitals, etc.