We plan to make crosstab for % married by age by race for non-Hispanic white and non-Hispanic black from year 1988 to 2013 and separate by gender. IPUMS CPS Basic March is our original intended data source. But there is no IPUMS CPS Basic March for 1988, and it is important for our research to start the year in 1988. We try to use ASEC samples and select cases that are from basic March and delete the additional oversample/supplement cases. However, we cannot find information to identify basic March cases from supplement cases in ASEC samples.
We had extracted our research interested variables and auto pre-generated variables for IPUMS CPS Basic March samples for all the available years without any case selection and had another extraction for IPUMS CPS ASEC samples for the years 1988 to 2014 without any cases selection.
Would anyone please shed a light and point the direction for us?
Thank you very much,