What is race of Hispanic origin persons?

Using NHIS 2019 data, can I determine race (white, black, other) of Hispanic origin persons? In the smaller NHANES survey, one cannot do that, likely due to confidentiality concerns.

You can use the variable RACENEW in combination with HISPYN to identify the race of Hispanic respondents. Note that the 2019 NHIS discontinued the practice of imputing the race of respondents in cases where this information was not available, and as a result, the 2019-forward NHIS samples include Unknown-Refused, Unknown-Not Ascertained, and Unknown-Don’t Know as possible responses for RACENEW. The NHIS however continues to allocate the Hispanic origin of respondents for such cases with a hot-deck imputation method that uses information on other household members as well as state and national modal values.

Hi Ivan

Many thanks for this helpful reply.

I am a new IPUMS user. It’s great. I wish I had started using it long ago.

Best regards,

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