I’m using the old PUMA codes to look at the 2012 ACS 5% data but the PUMA codes that I’m using don’t align. e.g., in 2000 and 2010 the PUMA codes for New Haven County, CT (statefip=9), are 01400 thru 02000; not all of these codes are in the 2012 data.
I know that there has been discussion elsewhere about new PUMA codes for the 2012 data which will align with 2010 outcomes, but I can’t seem to find these listed or mapped out anywhere.
The 2012 ACS data uses new PUMA codes based on the 2010 Decenniel Census which are not comparable to previous PUMA codes. Since you are interested in a specific area, the best way to find the appropriate PUMA codes would be to use the TIGER/web Data file detailing each PUMA, or the TIGER/web interactive map, applying the PUMA layer and using “identify” tool (the ‘i’ in a blue circle).