I´m trying to link basic monthly CPS data across two consecutive months. I´m trying to create gross flows from 1976 to 2018 by age and sex. I´d like to know which weight should I use and how do you recommend to use it?
I see Shimer(2012) has a code that does this. He uses WTFINL, and applies this weight by adding the weights across to month and divinding by two:
gen weight = (fweight(month1)+fweight(month2)/2
egen double flows = sum(weight), by(lfs2)
replace flows = flows/100
Should I divide the weight by 100? Or any further adjustment?
I see the universe of WTFINL is 1976-1988 all persons, and 1989-2018 civilians. Also, I see that this is a cross-sectional weight, and I´m creating a time series. So, Can I use this weight from 1976 to 2018 and get representative estimates of the population? How does the change in the universe (from both samples 76-88 and 89-18) would affect my results/representativeness? Can I use to create estimates for certain groups of the population, say young people?
If I should use some of the longitudinal weights that CPS provides, which one do you recommend? If I want to estimate flows by different ages and sex, will these weights be represenative?
I see LNKFW1MWT is a weight I could use from 1976 to 2018, though it has some breaks in the series, which means those years I won´t be able to use my data?
In the other hand, I have PANLWT from 1994 to 2018, which seems to serve the purpose of analyzing panel data.
Finally, If I use any of the longitudinal weights to link people across two consecutive months, should I also add the weights across two months and divide them by two?
Thanks in advance for the answer!