Variables from Full Year Consolidated Files currently not included in IPUMS-MEPS

Is there is a list of vairables available at MEPS Full Year consolidated files currently not included in 1000 variables available with IPUMS-MEPS?

There is no comprehensive list available. A brief summary of availability and current plans for the future is as follows:

IPUMS MEPS currently offers most person-level annualized variables from the 1996-2014 Full Year Consolidated file. This includes basic sociodemographic measures, measures of health care expenditures by payer and by type of provider, and measures of health care utilization by type of provider.

There are at least two data releases planned for calendar year 2018: (a) adding 2015-2016 FYC files and (b) expanding the variables in our database to include three additional types of variables:

(1) person-level point-in-time variables (meaning those collected in only one round per calendar year) from the FYC file including variables from the Access to Care supplement, the Self-Administered Questionnaire, the Diabetes Care Supplement, the Preventive Care section, and the Child Preventive Health supplement.

(2) Round-level variables from the Full Year Consolidated file covering demographics, technical variables, medical conditions, and employment.

(3) Pooled survey design and weight variables from the pooled linkage file.

IPUMS MEPS anticipates one data release in this summer and another one this fall, with the possibility of a third closer to the end of the calendar year. Although, in the future, we plan to add data from the event files (e.g., inpatient hospitalizations, medical conditions, prescribed medicines, PRPL file), we have no plans to add any event data this year.