I wanted to check if the following variables (INCUNEMP, INCWKCOM, INCVET, INCALIM, INCDIVID, INCRENT, INCSURV, INCDISAB, INCCHILD, INCEDUC) are not available before 1988 in CPS IPUMS because these variables have not been harmonized or because these variables are not available in CPS in general.
INCUNEMP, INCWKCOM, INCVET are only available aggregated as INCGOV before 1988, INCALIM is only available as INCALOTH before 1988, and INCDIVID and INCRENT are only available aggregated as INCDRT before 1988.
INCSURV, INCDISAB, INCCHILD, and INCEDUC are not available at all before 1988 on IPUMS.