There was a significant problem with the 2017 ACS count for the City/County of Philadelphia. We were told not to use these numbers for poverty and a number of other variables. Have these errors been corrected for the 2018 5-year file? Thank you.
This question (previously discussed on the IPUMS user forum here) is referenced in this Census Bureau note. Relating specifically to the 2018 5-year file, take note of the following from the CensusBureau note: " Revised data for 2017 will be used to create the 2018 and later 5-year ACS data." So, it sounds like this issue only persists for the 2017 1-year estimates for selected geographies.
Thank you. Is there someone at the Census I can contact to be sure that change was made?
Allen Glicksman
Unfortunately, I do not have contact information a specific individual regarding this detail. I can only direct you to the Census Bureau’s Contact Us page.