Dear folks – (probably Greg Freedman Ellis Derek Burk)
I have a function, a large ungainly kludge that I will not bother you with unless necessary, that among other things reads the ddi’s for a set of files and, in the course of reading the files, saves all the file metadata from the ddi’s into a single list. Within this list there are many, many places that the file reports that it is truncated. A short sample is below. Note that all the places in bold below are surrounded by double underscores in the original.
ASECWT is a 10-digit numeric variable with four implied decimal places. That is, values of 0012345600 should be interpreted as 1,234.56. The IPUMS command files automatically divid"| truncated “\nNote: Values are as they appear in the original CPS data. Top-codes, bottom-codes, and NIU codes have not been harmonized by the IPUMS.\n\n1968-1975\n50000 = Top Code (50,000 and gr”| truncated “\n99999999 = N.I.U. (Not in Universe).\n99999998 = Missing.\nValues can be negative.\n\nSee User Note [URL omitted from DDI.] for an explanation of these codes, and the Topcodes Table”| truncated “\n9999999 = N.I.U. (Not in Universe).\n9999998 = Missing.\n\n\t\t\nIPUMS does not identify topcodes in the data. Refer to the Topcodes Tables link below for income topcodes documenta”| truncated "\n
Can you tell me if this truncation, designated by “| truncated ”, (<- note underscores) is done by ipumsr, the R/RStudio console, or one of the tidyverse programs? And if it is done by ipumsr, is there a way to turn it off?