Selecting on STATEFP and PUMA5CE

Trying to select PUMAs in Chicago. Happy to select out the many PUMAs involved, but I cannot figure out how to get both STATEFP and PUMA5CE (apparently need both) in the download. Even better would be to just download my selected state (“17”) and then select on 5CE, but I cant figure that out either. Just getting national dumps. HELP!

OK! I figured it out. Also that the PUMS areas that make up Chicago changed their numbers, names, and which neighboring community areas were aggregated into each PUMA between 2021 and 2022. Ouch!

Glad you were able to resolve the immediate issue (even though it might have not given you the result that you were hoping). I can provide some additional information that may be useful.

The Census Bureau issued a new vintage of PUMA boundaries in 2022 that revised the boundaries used in samples from 2012-2021. You can see the changes in Chicago by overlaying the two PUMA vintages in this PUMA map. You can also view these changes in the 2010-2020 PUMA crosswalk file. Each observation in the file is an area of intersection between a 2010 vintage (2012-2021) and a 2020 vintage (2022-2031) PUMA. The file provides the estimated percent of each 2010 PUMA’s population and land area that corresponds to each 2020 PUMA. For example, you can see that 2010 PUMA 3408 (Cook County (Central)–Cicero, Berwyn & Oak Park Townships) was divided between two different 2020 PUMAs (3111 and 3112). About 26.96% of its population went to PUMA 3111 and 74.06% went to PUMA 3112.

If observing individual microdata records is not crucial for your analysis, you might instead obtain data from IPUMS NHGIS, which reports aggregate summary statistics for geographies (e.g., cities, counties, census tracts, etc.) with 65,000 or more inhabitants on an annual basis and for smaller areas on a 5-year basis (e.g., 2018-2022). We recommend that new IPUMS NHGIS users familiarize themselves with the website by reviewing the FAQ page and the relevant video tutorials on our User Guide.