Hi, I am trying to replicate BLS employment levels for specfic industries. I used this table (https://usa.ipums.org/usa/volii/indcr…) to create a dummy variable for the NAICS categories. I am trying to compare 2014 employment numbers in my data to this table provided by BLS: https://www.bls.gov/opub/ee/2015/cps/…. This is my code in stata:
tab NAICS if year == 2014 [iw=wtfinl]
NAICS is my dummy variable I created using IND for the NAICS industry codes. Although I come up with the same percentage distribution for the industries as BLS does, I am coming up with crazy numbers. For example for mining, the frequency I get with my data is 13,833,783, but the BLS employment level for mining in 2014 is 1,088,000. Any idea why this might be happening?