I’m using ACS-IPUMS to create cross-tabs of various housing and demographic characteristics for the nine-county Bay Area. I’m wondering if you can point me to documentation on how to calculate the reliability of these estimates. Here’s an example of one cross-tab I’m interested in reporting-- housing structure type and built year.
This is the frequency weighted cross-tab:
After Before
Recession Recession (2000-2006)
Single-family, detach 165,116 530,215
Missing Middle 112,968 262,295
Multifamily (20+ unit 187,093 263,660
Other 11,547 39,069
Total 476,724 1,095,239
Based on this cross-tab, I would like to report that 35% of housing stock developed after the recession was single-family vs. 48% of housing stock developed in the years immediately preceding. How can I be sure there are enough cases in a given cell to provide a reliable estimate? What checks are appropriate?
Here is the un-weighted cross-tab:
After Before
Recession Recession
Single-family, detach 1,611 5,191
Missing Middle 976 2,251
Multifamily (20+ unit 1,595 2,193
Other 119 399
Total 4,301 10,034