Question re: compatibility of PUMA's in 2012 and 2022

A quick question on whether the ACS PUMA’s are the same for 2012 and 2022. I am using data from the 2022 ACS and am trying to create contextual variables based on the aggregates from PUMA’s in 2012. Thank you for any assistance.


The 2012 and 2022 ACS use different PUMA definitions. The 2010 PUMA definitions are used for the 2010 decennial census and for the 2012-2021 ACS/PCRS. The 2020 PUMA definitions are used for the 2022-2023 ACS/PCRS.

We offer consistent PUMAs between 2000 and 2021 and between 1980 and 2011, but not yet a consistent PUMA that incorporates the 2020 PUMAs. We plan to provide a consistent PUMA between the 2010 and 2020 PUMA definitions and we are hoping to make it available sometime this spring. In the meantime, you may be interested in the Census Bureau’s 2010-2020 PUMA relationship file.

Thank you very much!