2020 Public Use Microdata Areas


I am wondering when the 2020 PUMAs will be integrated into the ACS data, and how 2010 and 2020 PUMA populations could be cross-walked or harmonized for 5-year samples (e.g., 2018 - 2022).


The Census Bureau website indicates that 2020 PUMAs will first be used in the 2022 ACS releases.

We plan to provide the same resources for bridging 2010 and 2020 PUMAs that we’ve provided for 2000 and 2010 PUMAs. E.g., see our 2010 PUMA Definitions page for a 2000-2010 PUMA crosswalk and web map of overlaid 2000 and 2010 PUMA boundaries. See also CPUMA0010, a variable that identifies the smallest areas that can be identified consistently using either 2000 or 2010 PUMAs. We don’t yet have a timeline for when each of these resources will be available. It is likely that some will and some will not be immediately available with our release of 2022 samples.

Hello - is there an update on when a new crosswalk and/or a consistent PUMA variable will be released for the 2022 sample? Thanks!

Thanks for checking on this. We still do not have a definitive timeline for releasing this work, but creating the crosswalks is high on our list of geography items that require updates based on the 2020 PUMAs (the consistent PUMA variable is also on our list, but is more involved and will take longer). We have noted your interest in the crosswalks and will consider that as we work to release the next batch of updated geography resources. In the meantime, you may be interested in the Census Bureau’s 2010-2020 PUMA relationship file (note that this doesn’t include population numbers, only areas; we will include the 2010 and 2020 populations in our crosswalks when we release them).