I’m trying to use the ASEC files and need the data on the county level. Most counties appear to be supressed and I’m not seeing any public use alternative. Can you submit an application if you are affiliated with a research university? Or is there an alternative data set with labor market characteristics and county codes? Thanks!
The only potential way around the confidentiality restrictions in public use data is through approval and use of restricted use data. Restricted CPS data is available in the Census Bureau Research Data Centers. If you would like to apply for access through Minnesota, feel free to send ipums@umn.edu an email and we can forward your email to our restricted data team.
Thank you! Do you know how long it typically takes to apply and get approved?
The length of time can vary, but in general, you can expect approval for projects to take 1-2 weeks, while approval for data may take around 1 month.